Good Boy Vodka joins Sanford International LIVE! as community partner
July 18, 2023
Paul Heinert
Sanford Health Media Relations
605-366-2432 /
Good Boy Vodka joins Sanford International Live!
as community partner
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Good Boy Vodka, which includes a ready-to-drink brand of cocktails inspired by golfer John Daly, has been added as a community partner to the 2023 Sanford International Live! This year’s concert features country music star Jake Owen. Daly and Jocko Deal will provide the opening entertainment.
Long-time Sanford International supporters Ben Graham of Bell, Inc.and Tom Walsh, Jr. of GreatLIFE are partners in Good Boy Vodka.
“We are thrilled to add Good Boy Vodka as a community partner for Sanford International LIVE!. Their ties to John Daly and their inspired John Daly cocktails make them a natural fit as a partner of our concert,” said Davis Trosin, tournament director of the Sanford International. “We are excited for all attendees to have the opportunity to try their products during what will be a memorable evening on Friday, September 15.”
“Good Boy Vodka is excited to partner with Sanford International Live! Our American-made, premium vodka and refreshing canned cocktails are made with all natural fruit juices and are absolutely delicious,” said Alex Pratt, owner and CEO of Good Boy Vodka. “Good Boy Vodka is a charity driven brand that supports our nation’s hard-working and ever-sacrificing Veterans and warrior dogs that fought and continues to fight for our freedoms.”
Sanford International Live! is brought to you by our community partners EMC and Good Boy Vodka. General Admission tickets, VIP ticket packages and private suites are available while supplies last. Please contact the tournament office at 605-271-7825 or visit sanfordinternational.coms for more information.